October 30, 2012

2 NEW LIVE VIDEO's online!

Jan Van Landeghem - Turkish Bumble-Bee Rondo

Seoul 2008: 25-minute FRQ Documentary featuring Vivaldi (Follia, La Tempesta di Mare) and Pete Rose (New Braun Bag)


October 25, 2012

Coming up: the first 'Felicitazione' jubilee concert of FRQ & Friends: 04/11/2012 @ Zolder, Belgium!

'Felicitazione' will go on tour in Belgium only, visiting Zolder, Bornem, Ghent, Turnhout and Lommel. Be there!

October 21, 2012

Only good comments on FRQ's guest appearance of A. Danilevski's disk 'The Uncertainty Pinciple'!

... Das schon angesprochene Flanders Recorder Quartet erweist sich als ideales Medium der kompositorischen Intentionen Danilevskis, die Tom Beets‘, Bart Spanhoves, Paul Van Loeys und Joris Van Goethems Fähigkeiten ganz entsprechen. Technisch wird das höchste denkbare Niveau erreicht, aber auch die geduldige Phrasierungskunst kommt nicht zu kurz, trotz der schon erwähnten aberwitzigen Bewegtheit mancher Passage.
[Dr. Matthias Lange,, 10.10.2012]

October 13, 2012

FRQ is proud to announce the release of their new cd, Encore! More info about and sound snippets of this exciting project? Visit our shop!

October 11, 2012

And... our new website is online! The German version will be presented in a few weeks.


5 [five]

5 [five], released June 17, 2017


Encore!, released October 12, 2012



Have a look at our new programmes: